Korana Jelovac, Designer in Zagreb, Croatia
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Korana Jelovac

Verified Expert  in Design


Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
February 23, 2016

With over 15 years of experience in design, Korana's work spans a number of UX, UI, and graphic design projects. She's worked for Adidas, Pacific Disaster Centre, Transperfect, and Noteworth and is a co-founder of Zingword.com, a startup translation marketplace. Korana喜欢用户体验挑战,并使用自定义插图为她的设计赋予个性. In her spare time, she does stop-motion animation.


Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
  • 进行定性和定量的用户体验研究,以开发法律文件搜索, document viewer, and redactor web application.
  • 基于UX研究和测试结果,通过Axure RP Pro为不同的设计和工作流程构建高保真的交互原型.
  • 为web应用程序及其桌面版本设计UI, 哪个用作上传程序和文档队列控制器, using Sketch and Axure RP Pro.
  • 设计并制作最终产品中使用的小动画.
  • 与前端团队合作,使用Microsoft Azure测试已开发的产品并执行用户体验审查.
Technologies: Axure RP Pro, Prototyping, UX Research, UI Design, Web App Design, Desktop App Design, Interactive Design

Co-founder | Chief Design Officer | UX/UI Designer

2015 - PRESENT
Zingword, LLC
  • 设计公司从logo、吉祥物设计到最终应用的视觉形象.
  • 对行为和态度类型的用户体验进行了详细的定量和定性研究.
  • 为翻译工作场所设计了完整的UI, including the user dashboard, client search pages, user profile creation steps, messaging interface, and project pages.
  • Developed the communication workflow with the user, including newsletters, automated emails through Intercom and Autopilot, and direct HTML emails.
  • 为平台、加载器和移动设备创建动画视频图形.
  • 使用Sketch为每个开发和测试阶段构建交互原型, Figma, and Axure RP Pro.
  • 使用GitHub、CSS修订和VSC监督平台的每个阶段的开发.
Technologies: Zeplin, Sketch, Axure RP Pro, UX Research, UI Research, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Figma

Freelance Designer and Illustrator

2012 - 2021
Home-based Studio | LOBO Design
  • 创建视觉标识并制定品牌准则.
  • 使用不同的标准和特殊印刷技术设计印刷材料.
  • Generated wireframes, user workflows, 以及用于本地和B2B桌面和移动应用程序的高分辨率交互原型, using Sketch, InVision, and Axure RP Pro.
  • 为本地和B2B应用程序设计了完整的UX和UI.
  • 为印刷和数字使用设计定制插图. 它们包括海报、小册子、网站、移动应用程序和演示文稿.
  • 为网站、移动介绍和UI交互制作运动图形和自定义动画.
Technologies: Zeplin, Sketch, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Workflows, Product Design, Landing Page Design, Social Media Design, Email Template Design, Interactive Design, Visual Design, Print Design, Character Design, Visual Identity, Graphic Design, Illustration, Axure


2019 - 2019
Noteworth, Inc. (via Toptal)
  • 设计了一个医疗保健Android和iOS原生应用程序以及一个web平台.
  • 设计用于数据收集、状态管理和远程监控的用户体验流程.
  • 为移动应用程序用户joyrides创建自定义插图.
  • 创建和维护多个成员使用的Sketch库.
  • Conducted small-scale research on competitor apps.
Technologies: Zeplin, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch

Data Merge Designer

2019 - 2019
Pacific Disaster Center
  • 设计了一个InDesign模板,该模板使用“数据合并”从Excel源文件生成小册子的版本.
  • 使用相同的Excel数据在InDesign模板中创建了自动生成的图形.
  • 为一个网站设计UX和UI,为用户提供与宣传册中共享的相同数据, based on their search.
技术:adobeindesign, adobeillustrator,印刷设计,插画

UX/UI Designer for a Mobile App

2017 - 2017
Himalayan Academy Publications (via Toptal)
  • 设计了一个移动阅读应用程序,可以在安卓和iPhone上使用.
  • 通过InVision处理原型和沟通.
  • 设计了一个安卓和iPhone都能访问的手机活动应用.
Technologies: GitHub, Zeplin, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, UI Research, UX Research, Visual Design, Software Design, Visual Identity, Mobile UI, Mobile App UI, Branding, Illustration, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Wireframing

Freelance Designer

2016 - 2016
Modern Dental Services (via Toptal)
  • 重新设计了完整的视觉标识,包括徽标、调色板和字体设计.
  • 开发品牌手册,包括商标变化、规格和品牌指南.
  • 制作宣传手册,宣传公司的产品和服务.
  • 为活动设计特别的宣传印刷品, such as posters, flyers, and booth design.
  • Redesigned the company's corporate website apexdp.com.
Technologies: Sketch, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Landing Page Design, Social Media Design, Visual Design, Print Design, Visual Identity, Graphic Design, Branding, Style Guides

Art Director

2010 - 2012
TBWA Zagreb
  • 管理和领导印刷材料的设计和艺术指导.
  • 曾与Visa、阿迪达斯、拜尔斯道夫等品牌合作.
  • 与印刷商沟通并监督产品交付.
  • 为从横幅到网站和移动应用程序的数字材料创建设计.
  • 制定和维护公司内部和客户使用的品牌指南.
Technologies: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Social Media Design, Email Template Design, Art Direction, Digital Campaigns, Visual Design, Print Design, Character Design, Visual Identity, Graphic Design, Branding, Illustration, Style Guides, User Interface (UI)

Graphic Designer

2007 - 2010
BBDO Zagreb
  • 曾与Vipnet、karlova、克罗地亚旅游局等品牌合作.
  • 开发广告和商业广告的概念和设计.
  • 为小品牌设计视觉标识和包装.
  • 创建插图用于动画和印刷材料.
  • 从事桌面出版工作,为不同类型的印刷和生产准备不同类型的文件.
Technologies: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Social Media Design, Email Template Design, Art Direction, Digital Campaigns, Visual Design, Print Design, Visual Identity, Graphic Design, Illustration
2002 - 2012

Master's Degree in Graphic Design


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