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Tony Phillips

Verified Expert  in Design


Louisville, CO, United States
Toptal Member Since
October 9, 2017

托尼在几个广告代理环境中拥有超过15年的经验,为佳得乐等大品牌设计互动体验, Mountain Dew, Chiquita, 3M, Verizon, and more. Most recently, he lead a team of Product Designers as the UX Director, building apps and enterprise solutions. He’s comfortable in Agile environment. 托尼喜欢指导,也喜欢说明,展示和激励. WillWork2Create.com


Work Experience

User Experience Director/Creative Director

2016 - 2017
  • 带领产品设计师团队完成包括企业应用在内的项目, responsive websites, mobile apps, 与投资者/初创公司合作,为潜在的技术开发创意.
  • Spearheaded the full rebrand of the global company, developing new logos, styles, guidelines, and tone.
  • 为在线科学期刊的集合设计了一个体系结构, publishing scientific articles. The architecture was plotted out using Axure, 同时直接与客户收集和规划需求. A modern, readable design followed architecture.
  • 对一家大型收费公路公司的车牌审核软件和员工进行可用性研究. My team and I conducted user interviews, built personas, and performed prototyping exercises with actual users.
  • 与我的团队和Exadel的c级员工一起发展我的团队和团队成员, plotting career paths for those interested. In addition to advancement, 我还与其他主管一起推动整个公司的流程,并倡导和传播以用户为中心的软件开发方法.
  • Collaborated with startup clients, 为他们开发投资材料,创造性地帮助他们探索和发展他们的想法——通常是创造概念性的可交付成果, such as clickable demos, comps and mockups, and even wireframes.
Technologies: Skype, Slack, InVision, Sketch, Axure, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Senior Interactive Art Director

2014 - 2016
  • 领导数字项目,推动IA, UX,设计和最佳实践. Worked with clients such as Gatorade, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Vans Natural Foods, Amp, Sierra Mist, Tyson, and more.
  • 为佳得乐设计了一个名为Sweat With the Best的促销响应平台. 我负责计划和设计从IA到在Axure中构建全功能原型的所有内容,并对其进行可用性测试以进行迭代. 我还负责视觉设计,随时与客户直接合作.
  • 在复仇者联盟第二部电影的宣传活动中为激浪创建了一个微型网站. 该网站专注于英雄的能力和他们的性格细节,允许粉丝在数字环境中与他们互动, collecting powers, and winning prizes.
  • 指导和管理Vans Natural Foods的社交媒体设计. 每个月我们都会制定一个社交内容日历,所有的帖子都是我设计的. Several categories of branded content existed, 这意味着我要负责在保持一致性的同时保持视觉趣味.
  • Contributed to, and lead, several other projects within the agency, including campaign ideation, brainstorming, conceptual deck construction, and print and display advertising design.
  • Redesigned the agency's website, 与机构的各个方面合作,编写工作示例和内容, while plotting out architecture and design.
Technologies: Microsoft PowerPoint, Skype, Slack, InVision, Sketch, Axure, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Senior Interactive Art Director

2012 - 2014
Proof Advertising
  • Served as the Lead Digital Designer on the creative team. 我参与并领导了所有数字项目,并与3M等客户合作, Huwaei, San Antonio Tourism, Baylor University, and more.
  • 设计和架构一个新的响应网站访问圣安东尼奥. 该网站准备比典型的旅游网站做更多的事情, 在用户探索圣安东尼奥的景点和可做的事情时,为他们提供相关背景.
  • Created a primarily digital campaign for 3M, 探索电信部门提供的技术. 与承包商合作绘制草图并直接进行3D建模, 以及将在3M网站上播放的几个商业视频片段的视频和音频制作.
  • 不断参与推销,设计概念工作,推动演示并赢得工作.
Technologies: Microsoft PowerPoint, Skype, Slack, InVision, Sketch, Axure, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Creative Director

2012 - 2012
  • A startup company, Lujure需要重塑自己的品牌,以更好地匹配它的产品, a Facebook page builder. 我带领这家小公司进行了品牌重塑,产生了一个新的标志和标识——hey.
  • During my short time here, 我还开始通过面试和招聘候选人来组建创意团队.
Technologies: Microsoft PowerPoint, Balsamiq, Skype, Slack, InVision, Sketch, Axure, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Interactive Art Director

2007 - 2012
  • 担任过各种角色,从管理制作设计师团队到互动艺术总监. 在此期间,我与Verizon、Chiquita、Levelor、Graco、Advance Auto等客户合作.
  • Designed a promotional micro site for Chiquita, focused around their Healthy Snacks products - packaged, sliced apples and other fruits. This website needed to look and feel fresh, 吸引人——当潜在的新客户被介绍到新产品线时,赢得他们的青睐.
  • Architected and designed an interactive campaign, bringing awareness to Chiquita's offering of avocados. The concept was mainly a game, 每个参与者可以移动牛油果“足球运动员”,通过分享和其他游戏机制获得优惠券和其他潜在奖品.
  • 构思并设计了获胜的创意和演示文稿,使奇基塔公司通过大门. 我们知道我们需要关注妈妈和她们孩子的午餐, 所以我围绕着一个名叫Baggy Marón的棕色(午餐)袋的角色来进行宣传.
  • 迭代并改进了Verizon无线用户的操作体验. This interactive tool, primarily built in Flash, 提供模拟如何导航和操作功能的任何潜在的手机.
Technologies: Microsoft PowerPoint, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Skype, InVision, Axure, Apple Keynote, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Adjunct Faculty

2011 - 2011
Virginia Tech
  • 在弗吉尼亚理工大学教授网页设计高级课程. 带领班级通过一个交互项目的典型UX工作流程, educating them on the proper steps of IA, UX, usability, and design.
技术:Apple Keynote, Axure, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
2008 - 2010

Master of Art Degree in Interactive Design

Savannah College of Art and Design - Savannah, GA

1999 - 2003

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Graphic Design

Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, Virginia

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