Nuno Anjo e Silva, 金融 Expert in 葡萄牙里斯本
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Nuno Anjo e Silva

验证专家  in 金融



Nuno has worked for 30 years in CPG 联合利华 and B2B at the Navigator Company. In 2020, he started working as an independent consultant, often managing McKinsey and Eurogroup 转换 teams or doing freelance work. Nuno founded GTI咨询 to impact more businesses, 专注于增长, 转换, 和创新 to fulfill their full acceleration potential. With his skills and expertise, Nuno will be a great addition to any team.






  • Acted as an advisor for startups, co-founding an 电子商务 platform and supporting seed projects in diverse areas such as waste recycling businesses, 生物技术, sports, 专业服务, 包装企业.
  • Served as a freelance consultant on geographical expansion, 业务发展, and demand creation projects in multiple countries, with a recent focus on emerging markets in LATAM and Africa.
  • Acted as an external consultant for leading companies, including McKinsey and Eurogroup Consulting, in customer-facing implementation teams, leading 转换 projects across more than ten industries in seven countries.
重点领域:增长战略, 敏捷转型, 创新战略, 市场准入, 启动策略, 商业模式, 电子商务, 尽职调查顾问, 战略合作伙伴关系, 商业策略, 带领营销, 营销计划, 渠道优化, 销售效果, Operational Efficiency Improvement, 市场洞察力, 需求大小 & 分割, 业务转型, 价值主张, 销售增长, 内部销售, 卓越运营, 公益营销, 运营模式, 销售业务, 组织设计, 组织发展, 业务指导, 变更管理, Organizational 变更管理 (OCM), 计分卡发展, 项目管理办公室(PMO), 数据管理, B2B, 获取客户, 销售培训, 创新, Africa, 市场规模, 通往市场的路线, 战略规划, 创业咨询, 增长, 激励计划设计, EMEA, 电子商务网站的设计, 私募股权顾问, 市场细分, Implementation 项目管理, Digital Out-of-home (DOOH) 广告, Excel 365, 创业公司, 收购, 改变领导, 业务建模, 创业融资, 项目管理, 敏捷项目管理, 训练, 企业对企业(B2B), Startup 增长战略 Development, 数据中心, Metals & Mining, 热情好客, 绿色能源, 拉丁美洲(LATAM), 算法, 商业策略, 数字营销策略, 利益相关方参与, 研讨会, 市场策, 欧博体育app下载, 设计思考, 讲故事, 客户细分, 消费产品, 营销优化, 销售策略, 营销计划

Non-executive Board Member and Advisor

  • Served as a board member in Ergo, an Argentinian startup that wants to contribute to making a giant step for plant-based food in the direction of nutrition and organoleptic enhancement.
  • Developed value propositions and go-to-market strategy for Ergo's precision fermentation technology to produce plant-based proteins able to express their animal equivalents.
  • Registered two global patents with myoglobin and casein proteins, following regulatory processes.
  • Provided continued support across strategy, 市场营销, 路线。, and open innovation for food companies.
  • Developed lead plan for pre-series A fundraising, facilitating network and contacts and preparing pitching deck.
重点领域:策略, 增长战略, 市场准入, 启动策略, 业务建模, 商业策略, 营销组合建模, 新产品开发, 价值主张, 多元文化的, 运营模式, 业务指导, 指导 & 训练, 可持续发展, 社会影响, B2B合作伙伴, 获取客户, 合作伙伴关系, 团队开发, 市场营销, 创新, 创业公司, 创业融资, 创业咨询, 增长, 收购, 营销策略, 客户开发, R&D, 训练, 企业对企业(B2B), 概念的发展, Startup 增长战略 Development, 拉丁美洲(LATAM), 市场策, 收入模型, 欧博体育app下载, 早期风险投资, 私人股本, 目标运营模式, 设计思考, 产品品牌, 讲故事, 业务伙伴关系, 增长的市场营销, 品牌管理, 营销优化, 新业务发展, 营销计划


2017 - 2020
  • Accelerated Navigator's entry and growth in the tissue business. Integrated one tissue mill and opened the second one, increasing revenues from €70M to €140M in less than two years.
  • Secured more and bigger customers, ensuring demand for the two sites, 包括在阿威罗的新监狱, and reaching the maximum capacity of both in just two years.
  • Delivered value through differentiation and uptrading customers through added value ranges and value-proposition segmentation.
  • Led international 业务发展 and geo expansion, enlarging the Navigator tissue footprint in Europe and Africa.
重点领域:市场营销, 商业策略, 综合管理, 获取客户, 创新战略, 投资组合优化, 国际化, 事业部管理, 业务单元策略, 增长战略, 增长, 市场准入, 销售计划, 市场营销组合, 业务转型, 新产品开发, 价值主张, 创新管理, 带领营销, 品牌营销, 营销计划, FMCG, B2B2C, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), 自有品牌产品, 渠道管理, 品牌定位, 价格定位, 促销活动, 销售效果, Operational Efficiency Improvement, 大客户管理, 客户关系, 销售增长, 卓越运营, 定价模型, 收入的策略, 项目管理, 贸易支持, 敏捷转型, 降低成本 & 优化, 从零开始的预算, 业务流程再造, 质量管理, 过程设计, Sales & 营运策划(S)&OP), 组织设计, 组织结构, 业务指导, 激励计划设计, 变更管理, Organizational 变更管理 (OCM), 计分卡发展, 可持续发展, B2B, 团队重组, 收购, Sales & 渠道支持, 结构, 团队建设, 销售培训, 创新, 合作伙伴关系, 需求大小 & 分割, 通往市场的路线, 改变领导, 团队开发, 战略规划 & 执行, EMEA, 客户保留, 团队的领导, Excel 365, 销售业务, 战略规划, 指导 & 训练, 营销策略, 营销组合建模, 包装, 定价, 客户开发, Design, Cross-functional 团队的领导, 训练, 企业对企业(B2B), 品牌发展, 概念的发展, 战略规划, 构建, 算法, 品牌, 商业策略, 利益相关方参与, 市场策, 收入模型, 金融建模, 财务报表, 包装消费品, 目标运营模式, 品牌标识, 产品品牌, 讲故事, 品牌战略, 客户细分, 产品营销, 消费产品, 企业, 人员管理, 品牌管理, 营销优化, 业务发展, 销售策略, 营销计划


1993 - 2017
  • Held different executive roles while working at 联合利华 for 25 years. Spent half of my time there on international assignments and strategic and regional roles.
  • Delivered growth in Lipton 6x in volume, 11x in profit. 重塑商业模式, building brands with innovative consumer-centric omnichannel strategies and customer-centric 路线。 plans and partnerships.
  • Ensured 15% CAGR in Turkey (from fourth to the second market) while entering seven countries. 领导国际市场进入, 区域协调, 业务发展, 品牌沟通, 和创新, triggering demand and share development.
  • Re-ignited the EU ice cream business to grow in volume for the first time in a decade while implementing a portfolio reduction program. Managed teams in holistic GM roles with cross-category and cross-functional responsibilities.
关注领域:广告, 市场营销, 类别管理, 国际化, 通往市场的路线, 增长战略, 策略, 投资组合优化, 事业部管理, 业务单元策略, 增长, 市场准入, 启动策略, 商业模式, 电子商务, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 战略合作伙伴关系, 销售计划, 商业策略, 市场营销组合, 业务转型, 预算, 企业融资, 新产品开发, 价值主张, 基于价值的定价, 创新管理, 贸易市场, 品牌营销, 公益营销, 营销计划, FMCG, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), B2B2C, 渠道管理, 渠道优化, 数字频道, 品牌定位, 价格定位, 促销活动, 社交媒体, 销售效果, Operational Efficiency Improvement, 市场洞察力, 客户的见解, 营销策略, 市场细分, 需求大小 & 分割, 公共关系(PR), 大客户管理, 忠诚管理, 多元文化的, 卓越运营, 定价模型, 收益管理, 收入的策略, 贸易支持, 敏捷项目管理, 敏捷转型, 转变管理, 降低成本 & 优化, 从零开始的预算, Activity-based Costing, Outsourcing, 质量管理, Sales & 营运策划(S)&OP), 运营模式, 组织设计, 组织发展, 业务指导, 激励计划设计, 变更管理, Organizational 变更管理 (OCM), 计分卡发展, 金融, 数据管理, 企业 Social Responsibility (CSR), 可持续发展, 社会影响, 获取客户, 团队重组, Sales & 渠道支持, B2B合作伙伴, 结构, 团队建设, 销售培训, 客户关系, 创新, Africa, 合作伙伴关系, 市场规模, 团队的领导, 团队开发, 战略规划, 综合管理, EMEA, M&A管道管理, 社交媒体营销(SMM), 消费者洞察, Market 策略 and 研究 Product Manager, 销售增长, 企业重组, Digital Out-of-home (DOOH) 广告, Excel 365, 销售业务, 改变领导, 营销组合建模, 业务建模, 包装, 定价, 广告活动, 客户开发, R&D, Cross-functional 团队的领导, 品牌发展, 概念的发展, 战略规划, 构建, 热情好客, 算法, 品牌, 品牌指导方针, 商业策略, 数字营销策略, 利益相关方参与, 研讨会, 市场策, 收入模型, 金融建模, 财务报表, 包装消费品, 目标运营模式, 品牌标识, 产品品牌, 业务伙伴关系, 品牌战略, 客户细分, 产品营销, 沟通, 消费产品, 企业, 人员管理, 个人护理, 数字品牌, 增长的黑客, 增长的市场营销, 品牌管理, 营销优化, 业务发展, 销售策略, 营销计划
1989 - 1993

Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration

Catholic University of Portugal - 葡萄牙里斯本



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