Selim Edin, Finance Expert in Istanbul, Turkey
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Selim Edin

Verified Expert  in Finance

Finance Expert

Istanbul, Turkey
Toptal Member Since
August 25, 2017

Selim在大型和小型企业拥有丰富的首席财务官经验, 从1亿美元的跨国公司到500美元的,000 Autotech startup. 他精通筹款策略的规划和执行, cash flow management, and financial system development. Selim是创业公司和自由职业者的国际投资者,帮助新兴公司通过战略财务规划扩大业务.

Career Highlights

Servus Bilgisayar

Education Highlights

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree
Schulich School of Business, York University
Bachelor's Degree
Stanford University

Case Studies

Work Experience

Managing Partner and CFO

2017 - PRESENT
  • 为10人的工程师团队制定日常操作程序和关键绩效指标的监控, developers and sales and marketing staff.
  • 准备单独的业务计划,以扩大到1.5亿的北美汽车市场, as well as Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Plans included sales channel research, pricing analysis, market size estimation, and financial model preparation.
  • 在加拿大成立国际子公司,进入北美市场, setting up the legal entity structure, developing investor relationships, and preparing the financial model and budget.
  • Prepared pricing and service structure, 启动软件平台的服务合同和安装程序,该软件平台可对驾驶员安全进行详细评估, eco-driving, and productivity. 该平台服务于大型跨国客户,并在六个月内实现了300%的收入增长.
  • Prepared the investment deck, 种子轮融资的商业策略和财务模式, raising $3 million in September 2018.
  • 通过寻找投资者,领导了最初的天使阶段融资过程, negotiating the term sheet, and managing the legal process. Raised $400,000 from 11 investors.
Focus areas: CFO, Finance Strategy, Startup Funding


2017 - PRESENT
  • 为高净值客户提供北美商业地产投资策略方面的建议. 目前为多个客户服务,投资总额达1000万美元.
  • 根据投资者的要求寻找合适的房产,并领导最终购买的财务谈判. 投资金额从200万美元到1000万美元不等.
  • 通过当地合作伙伴提供持续的物业管理,并创建了2美元的投资业绩报告程序.5 million in annual lease revenue from 15 tenants.
Focus areas: Finance, Real Estate, Wealth Management

Managing Partner

2016 - PRESENT
Cloud Research Studio
  • 监督一家年收入500万美元的软件公司的财务表现和报告功能.
  • Explored alternative sales channel, created market size estimates, assessed the competitive landscape, developed pricing analysis, 并建立了财务模型,以评估土耳其和巴尔干地区的产品和地理扩张战略.
  • 为中美洲和非洲200多万美元的政府项目准备投标书,并提供详细的成本分析和现金流预测.
  • 通过探索未开发的土耳其私营部门市场,利用专有的Intema大数据平台产品的业务发展机会, signing multiple six-figure deals each year.
  • 准备投资材料并向潜在投资者展示.

Managing Partner

2016 - PRESENT
  • Directed a team of software developers, entrepreneurs, 经验丰富的赌场专家在中欧和非洲部署游戏软件解决方案.
  • 确定市场发展战略,以促进罗马尼亚以外的服务, 将产品和服务扩展到摩尔达维亚和北塞浦路斯.
  • 管理一个四人小组,负责300万美元的预算以及包括报告在内的财务活动, accounting, and accounts receivable management.
  • Led the team launching the company’s primary product, 哪个公司为游戏场地提供管理和合规软件.
  • 通过开发游戏场地解决方案优化软件运营, 在三年内将收入从100万美元增加到400万美元.
  • 协商客户合同条款,并通过开展为期3个月的应收账款减少活动改善现金流.
  • 修订报告制度以符合国际标准, preparing the company for new potential investors.


2008 - 2012
Servus Bilgisayar
  • 执行对一家收入1亿美元的公司的管理层收购, preparing and managing all accounting, financial, and legal workstreams.
  • 为政府系统整合项目从金融机构和国际供应商处获得数百万美元的项目融资.
  • 通过谈判新的融资渠道(包括应收账款的转让),管理每年超过100%的收入增长所产生的现金消费需求, 根据资产负债表为贸易供应商和一般贷款提供国际应收账款保险. Worked with banks, trade suppliers, factoring companies, and credit insurance companies such as Euler Hermes.
  • Prepared the company for investment, 创建投资者平台并管理尽职调查流程. 罗马尼亚子公司被卖给了一家国际收购者.
  • Reformed software platforms, 包括企业资源计划系统(ERP)和管理信息系统(MIS), to scale with the growth of the 1,000 employee, 60 branch operation.
  • 通过备件库存优化项目改善营运资金.
重点领域:管理层收购融资,现金管理,国际财务报告准则审计计划,合并 & Acquisitions (M&A), CFO
1988 - 1989



1983 - 1987

Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering

Stanford University - California

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